Son of a Southern Vietnamese Cornel, Young’s father spent many years fighting Northern Vietnam so that his family could have a peaceful and prosperous life. An advocate for education, Young’s father made a promise to send him to college as an engineer once the war was won; but unfortunately this was a dream deferred. Captured as a prisoner of war and leaving no money for Young’s schooling; Mr. Nhan’s last piece of fatherly advice to Young was to never give up on learning. With his father’s words in mind, Young sought an apprenticeship with his Godfather as a tailor; spurring Young’s career in the clothing and apparel industry.
A master tailor with a career spanning over 50 years, Young’s Godfather trained Young in the art of tailoring and pattern making. Receiving his training from master French tailors, Young’s Godfather was able to establish contracts with many of Vietnam’s high-end boutiques, military, and government officials; as well as various high profile business professionals.

Fitting and alteration location in Charlotte (SouthPark)